Everyone is generally aware that dog bites happen on a daily basis, however, being the actual victim of a dog bite or a dog attack is not something that we think about, or plan for. At Labine Law Firm, we understand the implications of these cases and are prepared to help our clients recover the compensation that they are entitled to.
Anyone can be a victim, but the elderly and children are at most risk of serious injuries from a dog attack. Extensive surgery to repair damage can very often be an end result from a dog bite and the dog owner may be at fault because of negligence or careless actions.
Labine Law Firm would like to help you recover the compensation that you deserve as a result of the dog bites. This could include:
· Medical Expenses
· Pain and Suffering
· Lost Income & Benefits
Call us today for your FREE consultation @ 701-746-7338
Phone: 701-746-7338 | Email: rjlabine@outlook.com | Address: 16 Inland Hills Court, Grand Forks, ND, USA
Business Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm